A few of my favourite photos from Short track Sunday a week or two (?) ago. Jay and I got all up Jack's camera's face, taking just over 700 photos. Half of them are rubbish due to my habit of taking random photos to check exposure settings, but whatever.
Super keen on contributing for as long as Jack lets me/puts up with my rubbish.
I'll think of something insightful to add soon, however at the moment I have gone back to some bands I haven't listened to in a couple of years, these guys particularly. While looking up some live vids of theirs I found this. I'd say I am standing 2 metres to this dudes left - brings back great memories =]
Speaking of memories, QR Sunday Short Track was fucking awesome. I enjoy this pic of Jack and myself. Need to do a little work on the car before the next Morning Session on the 19th of April, however cannot wait!