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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Another Saturday. Not much content lately, busy prepping for QR Night Sesh and Morning Sesh in the next week. This will be the first time we have a lot of cars all at the one meet. Once this is over there will be a flood of photos + Content! Plus Tristan has promised to contribute photos ;)

Part of preparation: Jay bought a Nismo Copper Mix Clutch from JDM Garage, so here is the story in pretty pictures. 

Jay with his working face on. Can't wait for tandems.. and by tandems I mean him drifting and me generally driving behind him or spinning out.
Jay has a dirty box. lololol etc. I cleaned it though, then he poured oil on it :(
Mitch really captured the moment here? ahah. Pretty sure he is imagining chirping second?

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